It only took five months

When I found out I was pregnant I imagined all the things I could make whilst on maternity leave. The list was endless and still is as bits get added daily.

I decided that I would blog of all the things I’d make from the day she was born – how wonderful that would be for the first post to be the first day of her life and then as I found new challenges of things we needed I’d do a little diy blog.

Well that day arrived on August the 4th. A little hand grenade was dropped into our life and blew everything out of the water. Not in a bad way just in a ‘life will never be the same’ way.

and I did make things, more than a mum of a newborn has any right to make, I crammed bits into precious moments whilst Molly was sleeping and I took photos but did I write anything down – did I heck.

So here I am. 2016. Another new beginning and its time I started typing. Molly is 5 months old today and I have plans for all sorts of things in the future.

I will share what I make and how I do it and hopefully you’ll enjoy it/find it interesting/ find it useful/ ignore it completely

It only took five months

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